When your learner is logged into their learner account, they will be able to see the Mock Tests you have set for them under the mock test box:

As your learner opens the Mock Test they will be able to:

  1. Hide or show the timer

  1. Choose a coloured overlay (this will change the background colour and may help when reading the questions)

We recommend applying the settings before beginning the test. Read the instructions and begin the test. Be prepared to complete the assessment in its entirety, as the assessment will end once the timer ends.

Navigating the test

Arrow buttons beneath each question allow you to navigate between questions. Your answer will be saved when you move away from a question.

You can also return to a question in the assessment at any point using these arrows or clicking on the question number in the navigation bar.

You can return to a question by using the arrows or clicking on the question icon in the navigation bar.

You can clear your selection using the “CLEAR ANSWER" button if you wish to change your answer. 

End of Test

After you have answered all the questions or the timer has run out, the test will end. You and your learner will be able to view the results in the Mock Test tab of your Guardian or in their learner dashboard. 

Make sure you have enough time to complete the test. Good luck!

Please note that once you click Start Assessment, you cannot reset the test and the timer cannot be paused.