Log into your Guardian account.

Navigate to the Dashboard 

When you land on the Dashboard, click on ‘Mock Tests’ at the top of the page.

Here, you will see the results for each Mock Exam that your learner has completed.

To view further insight for each test taken, simply click the + icon next to each test name and select "view more" to view the stanine score and topic breakdown.

Stanine Scoring and Topic Breakdown

To view your learner's stanine score and their topic breakdown, click "view more" under their mock test result. 

What is a Stanine Score?

A stanine score is a way to measure and understand your child’s performance on an exam or test. It’s a number that tells you how well your child did compared to other children who took the same exam. Stanine scores break scores down into nine different categories.

The nine stanine categories are:

Stanine score 1 - Bottom 4% of the cohort

Stanine score 2 - Doing better than 4% of the cohort

Stanine score 3 - Doing better than 11% of the cohort

Stanine score 4 - Doing better than 23% of the cohort

Stanine score 5 - Doing better than 40% of the cohort

Stanine score 6 - Doing better than 60% of the cohort

Stanine score 7 - Doing better than 77% of the cohort

Stanine score 8 - Doing better than 89% of the cohort

Stanine score 9 - Doing better than 96% of the cohort

Stanine scoring takes into account more than just how many questions your child got right; it also takes into account how their performance compares to other children who took the same exam.

Topic Breakdown

As well as a stanine score, you are able to view how your learner performed within each topic. This is shown within a spider diagram, the yellow outline giving a guidance on their total test score and then the blue outline showing their topic score. 

When hovering over each dot, you will be able to see the percentage score achieved within the topic. This provides a clear insight into your learner's performance.

You can then use these results to decide which topic your learner should work on next.

Need further support? Download our handy guide on the Mock Tests here.