You can track your progress using the student dashboard, which can be accessed via the last tab on your CENTURY page. It looks like this:

There are two tabs to see completed work on this page; the Overview tab and the Courses tab.


The Overview tab

On this page, you can see an overview of your learning activity on CENTURY. The box with the welcome message will appear with work due yesterday, today and tomorrow.

Time spent on CENTURY

You can view how much time you have spent completing work on CENTURY using the My Learning Activity chart. This can be time-stamped so you can have a look at how long you have spent on the platform in a particular time period. 

You can also see which days you have accessed the platform and completed work: 

Work completed:

You can see the nuggets you have recently completed on the platform, the date that you completed the nugget, your score and the time you spent on that nugget:

You will also see an overview of your progress in all of your assigned courses, including how much of the course you have completed, how much time you have spent on the course and your average score on that course so far. 

Finally, the overview tab will suggest a nugget CENTURY thinks will help you improve. You can select, start and access this nugget from the bottom right of your overview page.

My Courses tab:

The Courses tab gives you more of an in-depth overview of your progress in a specific course. 

To change the course you are looking at, use the blue highlighted bar under your name.

By scrolling down your dashboard, you can identify areas for improvement and areas to stretch yourself. These can be used for independent learning.  More detail on this can be found here.

It can be really helpful to go through this page with your parent or guardian, so they can support you as well.